Delta Sigma Pi - Theta Iota
University of Connecticut

Learn more on how you can become a part of our Brotherhood!
Requirements for Candidacy
01. Major and GPA
You must be an intended Business, Economics, or Actuarial Science major and have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher
02. Semester Standing
Must be enrolled as a full time student at the University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus and have at least 2 semesters left before graduation.
In order to be considered to pledge, all recruits must attend an interview.
04. Social Greek Life Affiliation
While membership in a social, honors, or service fraternity is allowed, recruits must not be a part of any other professional fraternity.
Joining any organization takes a high level of ambition, dedication, and commitment. In order to pledge Delta Sigma Pi, candidates must be highly motivated to succeed and immerse themselves within our organizational culture and our pledging process.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of membership?
When you become a Deltasig, you gain more than just another resume builder. Delta Sigma Pi offers a vast Alumni network across the nation and around the world, as well as the opportunity for professional and leadership development. Brothers are part of a diverse network committed to each other and their community. The family you become a part of when you join DSP will be a valuable resource and support system throughout your college and professional career. DSP is also one of the most affordable Greeks on campus with over 100 years of history. On top of all this, Delta Sigma Pi is a good time, pure and simple. Friends may come and go, but Brothers are forever.
Can I pledge a social fraternity/sorority the semester as pledging DSP?
Yes, however it is not encouraged. While we support and encourage involvement on campus, we feel that academics should come first. Please consider your ability to maintain your academic performance while making this additional time commitment.
How many people are selected to pledge?
The number of pledges selected is not set in stone. Pledge classes have ranged in size from 10 to 32. Pledge selection is always based on quality, not quantity.
What if I don't have professional attire?
We understand that some students do not have professional attire and are unable to borrow some from a friend. If this is the case, do not be discouraged from attending RUSH events. We simply ask that you inform a brother at an informational session so that we can do our best to make suitable accommodations.
Am I eligible to pledge if I am applying into the business school and am not accepted?
As long as you are an intended business major you are eligible to pledge. We also accept economics, communications and actuarial science majors.
What does pledging entail?
The pledging process focuses on developing our new members' business acumen. Our brothers will help you craft a tailored resume and LinkedIn. Additionally, you will learn how to write professional emails, dress for success, and conduct yourself in a professional manner.